To authorize military leave, document start and stop of such leave; record address and telephone number where a Soldier may be contacted in case of an emergency during leave; and certify leave days chargeable to a Soldier’s leave account.
Jul 20, 2020 DA 31 (UPDATED) – LEAVE FORM (01 JUN 2020) Posted on July 20, 2020 by walton. UPDATED DA FORM 31 (01 JUN 2020) Download. DA-Form-31-FAQs Download. A new AR 600-8-10, dated 3 Jun 20 and effective on 16 Aug 20, is now posted on APD at the following link. A new DA Form 31 is also posted on APD and link is provided below. Fillable Form DA 31 (1993-2016) - The DA Form 31 will be used for requesting leave. Commanders are authorized to produce the DA Form 31 through electronic means.
Routine uses:
To update a Soldier’s military leave and pay records. Information furnished may be disclosed to DOD officials or employees who need this information to perform their duties; to federal, state, and local law enforcement authorities in appropriate cases; the American Red Cross; and relatives. The social security number is used for positive identification.
Fillable Da 31 Word Document
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Fillable Da 31 2020
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